1989年1月11日晚,罗纳德·里根总统发表了告别演说. Included in his parting remarks was an admonition for Americans to take stock in what we teach our children about our nation’s history. 里根问道: “Are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world?” The president went on to highlight key moments in this nation’s history, beginning with the 朝圣者.
总统提到的这些朝圣者是谁? 为什么要提到他们呢?? 为什么他们的故事很重要? 在四百年后的今天,它还与我们的时代相关吗? 尽管有太多事情让我们无法关注这一重大时刻, we dare not fail to give due consideration and credence to the lessons we can still learn from their lives, 他们的使命, 他们的牺牲.
We owe a wealth of gratitude to the providence of 神 in preserving the reliable record we have of these reformers, 他们在宗教迫害的折磨下离开了英国. 两个主要来源, 经受住了时间和人类的摧残, still resolutely proclaim the firsthand account of the 朝圣者’ incredible quest for liberty: William 布拉德福德’s Of Plimoth Plantation and George Morton’s Mourt’s Relation. 可悲的是, in recent times the details of these meticulous journals have been obscured or dismissed for political reasons in an attempt to erase “America’s Sacred Story.” Let us take a brief journey back in time to learn from “those of whom the world is not worthy” as their lives sing a song of truth, 勇气, 和信仰.
分离主义者的集会, 谁在《BCK体育注册官网》里见过, 英格兰, 在17世纪早期, 是以约翰·威克里夫为首的一系列改革家的产物吗, 被称为宗教改革的晨星. It was Wycliffe who first began translating portions of the New Testament into common English in 1382, which lit a fire that would not be quenched despite his death or his subsequent excommunication from the Church of 英格兰 and the burning of his exhumed body.
另一个重要人物是威廉·廷代尔, who was strangled and burned at the stake in 1536 after publishing his English translation of the New Testament. 这是天意的转折, 这是廷代尔作品的修订版, 被称为日内瓦圣经(1599年), 1620年清教徒们带到新大陆的东西.
在他开创性的日记中,布拉德福德指出《BCK体育注册官网》对“男人。y in the North of 英格兰 and other parts became enlightened by the word of 神 and had their ignorance and sins discovered unto them, 靠着神的恩典,开始改革他们的生活,留意他们的行为.” 布拉德福德不遗余力地列举了各种各样的试验, 磨难, 以及分裂主义者所遭受的迫害。”until by the increase of their troubles they began to see further into things by the light of the word of 神.“随着时间的推移,这些改革者,”神用属天的热心感动了他们的心, shook off this yoke of anti-Christian bondage and as the Lord’s free people joined themselves by covenant as a church, 在福音的交通中,行他一切的道, 让他们知道的或让他们知道的, 根据他们最大的努力, 不惜一切代价, 耶和华帮助他们. 随后的历史将证明,他们为此付出了一些代价.”4
布拉德福德提供了许多生动的例子来描述他们的考验和磨难, which led them to leave their native homeland for Holland because it offered more religious tolerance. 这个初出茅庐的团体现在在莱顿,随着“他们在神圣灵的知识和恩赐恩典上,都有长进, and lived together in peace and love and holiness; and 男人。y came to them from other parts of 英格兰, 于是聚集了一大群人.布拉德福德总结了他们的精神启蒙对他们的影响,他说:我不知道,但这话可以在上帝的时候说, 而且对任何人都没有偏见, 这才是真正的虔诚, 谦卑的热情, 和炽热的爱情, 这些人, 他们就这样生活在一起, 向着上帝和他的道路, 以及他们对彼此的真挚的爱, that they came as near the primitive pattern of the first churches as any other church of these later times has done.”6
体验清教徒对基督教的承诺和热情的全部光芒, 你必须踏上一段完整的布拉德福德历史之旅. It was their commitment to 神 and His ways that enabled the 朝圣者 to endure the dangers of their long voyage over the Atlantic Ocean, 可怕的第一个冬天的严酷, 饥饿的时候, 没有它,圣经基督教在这些海岸的根基就不会, 也许, 被掐死了, 以及从福音中产生的自由,无论它被存放在哪里.
布拉德福德, 作为种植园的第二任也是长期的总督, 对他们的人性没有任何幻想. 清教徒和我们一样,也有他们的挣扎、过错和失败. 然而,他们却表现出了惊人的韧性, 宽容, 并始终如一地在言行上践行他们的信仰. 而不是在绝望中放弃, 他们选择相信神的话,在最困难的负担下坚持下去, 当他们在1620年冬天开始时来到新英格兰海岸时,这种情绪才更加高涨.
他们几乎不知道,他们的困境只会越来越严重. 布拉德福德回忆道, 冬天给他们带来了可怕的损失, 他们100多人的同伴中有一半在春天前死于一般疾病. 在这巨大的试炼中,基督为少数没有患病的人发出了最明亮的光。”付出巨大的辛劳,冒着健康的危险, 获取木材, 使火灾, 为病人准备食物, 给他们铺床, 清洗被感染的衣服, 给他们穿衣服,脱衣服……所有这些都是他们心甘情愿、高高兴兴地做的, 一点也不勉强, showing love to the friends and brethren; a rare example, 值得被铭记.”7 They even cared with great compassion and love for the sailors who had treated them so savagely on their voyage. 布拉德福德 recalled how one particularly abusive ship男人。 recognized the contrast between the “saints and strangers,他们被这样称呼, 评论, “你, 我现在明白了, show your love like Christians indeed to one another; but we let one another die like dogs.”8
布拉德福德总结道:耶和华因他的仁慈保守他的子民脱离这些极端, and in their great need preserved both their lives and their health; let His name be praised.他接着说:"神, 似乎, 难道要所有的人都看见并遵守他对他子民的怜悯和作为吗, 使他们在类似的情况下,可以被鼓励在试炼中倚靠神, 当他们看到他对别人的仁慈时,也要称颂他的名.” 9
清教徒们对个人和团体的个性有着敏锐的意识. 他们所忍受的苦难大多源于对自由的追求, beginning first in their conscience as 男人。ifest in their worship of 神 but also extending to the external spheres of government, 经济学, 和财产. 布拉德福德在他对普利茅斯殖民地崛起的叙述中谈到了这些领域, 写作, “Both they and all the world knew that they had come here to enjoy liberty of conscience and the free use of 神’s 条例, and for that end had ventured their lives and had already passed through so much hardship; and they and their friends had borne the expense of these beginnings, 这并不小.”10
一段时间以来,自治的思想在英国人民的意识中逐渐兴起. 清教徒在穿越海洋的过程中看到了它的含义, 被吹离航线, 不得不对他们预期的冒险做一些调整. Their famous Mayflower Compact heralded the coming of a time when a new nation would coalesce around the biblical view of 神, 男人。, 和政府, 承认公民政府的存在是为了全人类的利益, 而不是反过来.
The seed of Christian self-government planted within the Compact foreshadows the principle of voluntary union seen in the 美国宪法的序言. 布拉德福德为后人记录下了这句话:在上帝面前郑重地奉上这些礼物, 和彼此的关系, 并将我们自己结合成一个公民政体, 为了我们更好的秩序和保护…颁布, 构成, 和框架, 这样公正和平等的法律, 条例, 徒, 宪法…被认为是最符合和最方便使用殖民地的, 我们应许,要凡事顺服.”11
That individuals in a self-governing society must have control of their own destiny was not lost on the 朝圣者. 作为弗吉尼亚公司的契约仆人, they had little control over their wellbeing until their years of service and payback were accomplished. 然而, 了解人性的特性和本质, 他们信奉圣经中的私有财产和经济原则. It did not take long for the 朝圣者 to petition a reversal of the socialistic framework foist upon them by the Merchant Adventurers of 英格兰, 谁资助了这次航行?. 布拉德福德写道:"公共服务实验的失败, 这种方法已经尝试了好几年, 并由善良和诚实的人证明柏拉图和其他古人的理论是空洞的, 被后来的一些人称赞——剥夺私有财产, 以及在社区或联邦中对它的占有, would make a state happy and flourishing; As if they were wiser than 神.他接着说:“不要认为这是由于人类的失败, 而不是这个共产主义的生活计划本身. 我回答, 因为人都有这缺点, 上帝在他的智慧中看到另一种生活计划更适合他们.” 13
清教徒们珍视私有财产的观念, 不仅仅是为了他们自己, 而且在他们与已经在该地区建立起来的当地人的交往中. 布拉德福德 made reference to recompensing the Indians for the hidden supply of corn they had unknowingly stolen upon their arrival that first terrible winter. 他还描述了与大Sachem的和平条约的建立, 马萨索伊特, 持续了50多年, 以及两个交战部落之间和平条约的仲裁. 清教徒的行为与马太福音5:9一致, 哪个州, 使人和睦的人有福了, 因为他们必称为神的儿子.”
事实上, 清教徒的故事是美国的神圣故事. 我国的历史证明了基督教是我国的基础. 我们必须保存和保护它的信息, 因为如果它被破坏或丢失, 我们将作为一个自由的国家消失. What we see in America today is the result of our neglect over 男人。y decades to teach these vital principles to our children.
我们永远不应该忘记监狱, 脚手架, and the stake were stages in the march of civil and religious liberty which our forefathers had to travel, 这样我们才能获得现在的自由. … Before our children remove their religious connexions … before they leave the old paths of 神’s Word … before they barter their birthright for a mess of pottage – let us place in their hands this chronicle of the glorious days of the suffering Churches, 又叫他们知道自己是世界不配有的人的儿子,他为良心所受的苦难,在这里被刻骨铭心地记录了下来. 14
你nger parents aren’t sure that an unambivalent appreciation of America is the right thing to teach modern children. 而对于那些创造流行文化的人来说,有理有据的爱国主义已不再流行. 我们的精神回来了,但我们没有将它重新制度化. 我们必须做得更好,让人们知道美国是自由的——言论自由, 宗教自由, 企业自由. 自由是特殊而罕见的. 它是脆弱的. 我警告说,这可能导致美国人的记忆被消灭, 最终, 侵蚀着美国精神.
我们必须保存和保护清教徒的信息, 因为如果它被破坏或丢失, 我们将作为一个自由的国家消失.
在黎明基督教学院,学生们接受教育 幸运的历史, 这种观点认为上帝积极参与生活的方方面面, 为了他的计划和目的,在历史中讲述他的故事. 因此, 学生们学习美国基督教历史的基本知识, 从清教徒时代到它的建立, 到目前为止. 从神的话语中思考和推理使学生能够 辨别真理,坚定信仰. Dayspring的学生深入研究基督教历史的时间轴,并得出了这个问题, 神在他的故事中将怎样使用我?“想要了解更多,请参观一下. 网上注册 或拨打717-285-2000联系卡罗尔·黑斯廷斯.
1 http://www.reaganfoundation.org/media/128652/farewell.pdf
佩吉特,哈罗德. (1909). 布拉德福德BCK体育注册官网普利茅斯殖民地的历史. 由Mantle Ministries重印(1988). 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. (All excerpts from 布拉德福德’s journal used in this article come from this translation into more modern English.)
14 大厅,V. M. (2006). 美利坚合众国宪法的基督教历史. 基督教的自治 (创始人版,卷. 1, pp. 183–184). 旧金山:美国基督教教育基金会.