Fine motor skills are a part of the criteria observed when a preschool, 婴幼儿。, 或幼稚园学生申请黎明基督教学院. 在过去十年中, Dayspring teachers have noticed a shocking decline in fine motor skills and are rightly concerned. 什么是精细运动技能? 为什么它们很重要?
根据 HealthLine.com精细运动技能 锻炼手部、手指和手腕的小肌肉. 精细运动技能是BCK体育注册官网灵巧性的. 在幼儿园的背景下, 情, 或者是幼儿园学生, 精细运动技能包括像拿铅笔这样的活动, 用剪刀剪, 用勺子或叉子进食, 扣钮扣或扣衣服, 用乐高积木或猪鬃积木建造.
的 精细运动技能不发达的长期影响 可以包括社交、语言、感知和认知技能吗. 自然, these factors can have a lifetime impact on a child if not addressed appropriately. So, what can parents to do ensure that their child’s fine motor skills develop appropriately as their child grows?
因为精细运动技能涉及手腕肌肉, 手, 和手指, there are many opportunities a parent can present to his or her youngster to strengthen these muscles. 还记得, this article is meant to be strictly informational and not a substitute for a doctor’s advice. Please check with your child’s pediatrician if you have questions regarding developing fine motor skills.
Perhaps the greatest and most wise way to develop your child’s fine motor skills is to severely limit or completely exclude any electronics time, 尤其是在婴儿阶段. 屏幕让人上瘾 给小孩子. 除了对其他活动失去兴趣, 睡眠不足, 演讲延迟, 社交技能受损与屏幕时间有关. In fact, medical professionals recommend NO screen time for children under the age of 2. 在2至5岁的儿童中 梅奥诊所 说, 2岁时, 儿童可以从某些类型的屏幕时间中受益, 比如用音乐编程, 运动和故事. 通过一起观看, you can help your child understand what he or she is seeing and apply it in real life. However, passive screen time shouldn’t replace reading, playing or problem-solving.”
扔球, 使塔, 玩橡皮泥, and even helping with household chores are great ways to aid in 精细运动技能的发展. 用杯子喝水, 在阅读时间帮助翻页, 用勺子也有帮助.
- 转动门把手
- 脱鞋
- 拉开夹克/外套
- 拆卸盖子,包括卡扣式和旋上式
- Holding and using age-appropriate crayon or other writing utensil
- 把钉子插在洞里
- 拼凑适合年龄的拼图
- 操作开关、齿轮、滑轮等. 在活动中心
- 将少量液体从一个容器倒入另一个容器
- 用儿童安全剪刀在纸上剪出形状
- Pulling stickers off a sticker sheet and putting them in a sticker book
Most families will admit to a schedule that seems to never slow down. 没有刻意减速, opportunities to develop fine motor skills can easily be missed. 现代父母尤其如此. 有一个永无止境的任务列表, many caregivers may find themselves doing things for their children because it is easier, 如果不是更快的话, 这样做. While it might not be as easy or as fast to have a child fold his socks or put away the clean silverware from the dishwasher, these are some of the tasks that not only help to develop fine motor skills but also help to raise an independent child!
的 development of fine motor skills really lies in the day-to-day activities of life. 例如,你的孩子可以帮助:
- 整理、折叠和整理衣服
- 在监督下清空洗碗机
- 蜡笔用完后放回盒子里
- Rinsing hair and body in the bathtub by pouring water from a cup over him/herself
- 帮忙打包午餐(把花生酱的盖子打开), 用刀切开, 把盖子盖上。
- 用非电动卷笔刀削铅笔
经过正确的训练, 孩子们不仅可以发展他们的精细运动技能, 而是一种自信和独立. Tasks like these require fine motor skills that are easy for a parent to take for granted, 但对于一个孩子来说,在为生活做准备的过程中学习是必要的.
当然, 3岁时, enrolling your child in a local preschool can help with fine motor skill development. 在黎明基督教学院, 我们的学前教育项目 有一个活动驱动的焦点. 自然, 这些活动不仅仅是为了教育思想, but to shape the character and develop the physical abilities (including the fine motor skills) of the preschool student. While it is not unusual for a parent to question the value of enrolling at a brick-and-mortar preschool, the in-person preschool environment allows experts to come alongside parents and lay key foundations in the development of the child. 当我们讨论 学前教育的必要性在另一个博客, 我们相信教育学龄前儿童的礼仪, 适当的社会行为, 关系的相互作用, 学术知识, and 精神上的 concepts that take root in the heart is no small feat. This often feels overwhelming for a parent attempting to school by himself. Many preschool parents appreciate the seasoned perspective experienced preschool teachers offer. 在学前环境中, children are exposed to friendships and experiences they may not have at home and parents are encouraged as their child’s unique gifts and personalities are seen through someone else’s eyes.
4岁时, 婴幼儿。 students at Dayspring are still in an activity-oriented environment designed to continue to fine-tune or enhance fine motor skills. 5岁时, 学生进入幼儿园的时间, 他们的精细运动技能应该包括系鞋带, 基本上能自己穿衣服, 轻松使用餐具, 和更多的.
与任何技能一样,精细运动技能需要时间来培养. Parents must be intentional in providing opportunities for their child(ren) to engage in building their fine motor skills. 生命的最初几年是一个温柔的时期, yet a time when the child is exploring his/her world and making connections about how things work. 的 responsibility given to parents in Proverbs 22:6 to “train up a child in the way he should go” lest he depart from it can be applied to 精细运动技能的发展. 的 verse implies the responsibility of the parent to lay the foundations of moral, 精神上的, 学术, 一般的生活技能. It makes sense that the parent who decides to follow this biblical order would invest heavily in their child’s day to day experiences to develop the fine motor skills necessary for success in preschool, 情, 幼儿园, 及以后.
在黎明基督教学院, we are committed to raising up the next generation of Christian leaders who acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of life, 展现圣经的世界观, become citizens of excellence in Christian character and scholarship, 并帮助恢复美国的圣经基础. If you would like to learn more about Dayspring Christian Academy, please contact Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or schedule a private tour using the button below.